Most Americans, including me, have this thing called the Mary-merry-marry merger. We pronounce all three words—and the vowels in similarly patterning words—the same. However, some Americans retain at least a two-way distinction and most, if not all, varieties of English outside of North America distinguish between all three.
As is typical for people with a merger, it’s not easy for me to separate words into their historic distributions. But sometimes I need to for teaching or preparing wordlists. So, as I prepared to cover the merger (or rather, the lack thereof) in my Varieties of English course this semester, I wanted to show the students a list of words that group with Mary, merry, and marry. But I couldn’t find a decent list anywhere. So I asked Twitter and I was pleasantly surprised to get lots of help from my non-merging followers!
Is there a wordlist somewhere (perhaps an appendix to a paper) with a decent list of MARY, MERRY, and MARRY words?
— Joey Stanley (@joey_stan) September 16, 2020
(I know the list wouldn't be universal for all non-mergers, but as a MMM-merger myself, I have zero intuition about this stuff.)
Thank you to all those who sent me lists of words that belong to each class! And to those who pointed me to searchable dictionaries that distinguish between the three! I won’t mention names here, but I hope they are okay with me turning their collective input into a blog post.
So, the purpose of this post is to provide the most comprehensive list I could come up with of
Note: I’m told that outside the US, there is little variation in which class each word belongs to. However, in areas of North America that do make some distinction, there can be some variability. So I guess take this list with a grain of salt.
The first set,
Here are some words that were verified by some folks who do not have the merger.
berry, beryl, burial, bur{y|ied}, cherry, derring-do, Derry, error, derriere, ferret, ferrous, ferry, Gerry, inherit(ed), Jerry, Kerry, merit(s), Merovingian, Merriam, Merrion, Merrow, merry, Perrier, Perry, perry, seropositive, sherry, skerry, steril{e|ize}, terrier, terribl{e|y}, terror, terrif{y|ied}, Terry, verisimilitude, very, wherry
Here’s a more complete list from the Britphone dictionary, based on the search pattern “ˈɛ ɹ” with a few additions from The Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English, based on the search pattern “ɛr|”.
America{s|n|ns}, atmospheric, beret, burial, cerebral, ceremony, chemotherapy, cherish, Cheryl, clerical, Derek, deterren{t|ce}, equerry, Eri{c|k}, Ericsson, experiment(s), generic, Gerald, Herald, Hereford, Herefordshire, heritage, heroin, heron, inherent, inheritance, Jeremy, knobkerrie, merrily, necessarily, numeric(al), peril, perish, primarily, prosperity, referral(s), serif, severity, sheriff, stereo, stereotype, terrace, territor{y|ies}, terrorism, terrorist(s), therapist, therapy, verif{y|ied}
The second of the three,
Here are some words that were verified by some folks who do not have the merger.
arable, arid, apparent, Aragon, Areopagus, arid, arrant, arrow, baritone, baron, barren, barricade, barrow, Barry, Caradon, caravan(s), caret, carob, carol, Carol{e|ine|yn}, carr{y|s|ied|ing|ier}, charabanc, chariot, charity, charitable, Clarence, clarify, clarion, clarity, comparison(s), circularity, Darrell, Darren, Darrow, Faraday, Farrell, farrier, farrow, Garamond, Gareth, Gary, guarantee, harakiri, harried, harrow, Harry, Iscariot, Jared, larrikin, Karen, Larry, larynx, marabou, Marazion, Marian, Marilyn, Marion, marital, maritime, marronage, marrow, marr{y|ied|s|ing}, narrative, narrow(ly), para(-bolic, -chute, -graph, -llel, -noid, -normal, -lyze* etc), *parr{y|ied}, parody, parrot, Raritan, saraband, Saracen, scarify, Sharon, taradiddle, tarry, varicose, yarrow, Zara
And here’s a longer list from the Britphone dictionary, based on the search pattern “ˈæ ɹ” with a few additions from The Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English, based on the search pattern “ar|”.
apparel, Arab, Arabic, barracks, barrel, barrier(s), caribou, carriage, Carrie, carrier(s), Carroll, carrot(s), character{s|ize}, charit{y|ies|able}, comparative(ly), Daryl, disparage, embarrass{ed|ing|ment}, garage(s), gharry, glengarry, harass(ment), Haringey, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harrogate, karri, Larry, marathon, marriage(s), Marriott, Maryland, Marylebone, miscarriage(s), paradigm, paradise, paradox, Paraguay, Paris, parish, popularity, similarit{y|ies}, solidarity, tariff, tarot, transparen{t|cy}
Finally, there’s
Here are some words that were verified by some folks who do not have the merger.
Aaron, aerate, aerial, airing, area, baring, bear{ing|er}, Bering, carer(s), Carey, caring, chairing, Charing, Clary, dare{e|ing}, dairy, fairy, far{e|ing}, flare-up, flaring, glaring, (nom de) guerre, hairy, hare, haring, lair, lairy, mare, Mary, mayoral, Nair, nary, pair(ing), Pharaoh, precarious, rare, raring, Sara(h), scar{y|ing}, shar{er|ing}, sparing, squaring, staring, swearing, tear(ing), Vair, variable(s), varian{t|ce}, var{y|ying|ied|ies}, wary
And here are some other ones based on the Britphone dictionary, based on the search pattern “ˈɛə ɹ”.
aerosol, aerospace, air{y|ing}, apparent(ly), aquarium, Averham, Barham, Bulgaria(n), canary, comparing, contrary, eire, Faeroes, hilarious, humanitarian, Hungarian, invariably, librarian, malaria, Ontario, parent{s|ing}, pharaoh(s), prairie, preparing, secretariat, sierra, variegated, various, vegetarian, wearing, whereabouts
Word-final and pre-consonantal tokens
It occured to me that the search patterns that I used only included words that, in UK English, are pronounced with /ɹ/ (i.e. the /ɹ/ is intervocalic). So you’ll notice that caring is on the list of
This list includes words that I thought were from different lexical sets. For example, care and hair are on this list, which are presumably part of
Okay, so what about "pair", "pear", and "pare"? Is that a minimal triplet for the non-MMM-mergers out there?
— Joey Stanley (@joey_stan) September 22, 2020
Britphone doesn't differentiate the classes word-finally, so "care" and "square" are both ˈɛə even though I'm pretty sure they're respectively DRESS and SQAURE.
Anyway, so here’s the fuller list:
affair(s), air, aircraft, airfare, airline(s), airlines, airplane, airport(s), airways, aware, awareness, Ayrshire, bare(ly), bear(s), beware, Blair, blare, care{s|d}, careful(ly), chair(s), Clair(e), clare, compare(d), dare, declare(d), despair, downstairs, fair(ly), fare(s), flair, flare, glare, hair{s|ed}ed), haircut, hairdresser(s), hare, heir, heirloom, hilaire, impaired, lair, mare, mayor, pair(s), pare, pear, Pierre, prayer(s), prepare(d), questionnaire, rare(ly), repair(s), scarce(ly), scare(d), share{s|d}, shareholder(s), shareware, snare, spare, square{s|d}, stair(s), staircase, stare(d), swear, tear(s), their(s), there, therefore, unaware, unfair, upstairs, ware, warehouse, wear(s), where, wherewhithal
Supplemental Mary words
Finally, when I searched the The Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English, I found these 695 words containing the search pattern “ɛ:r”. I didn’t bother incorporating them into the above list because many of them are very infrequent words. But I wanted to include them for the sake of completeness.
Aaron, abecedarian, Abertillery, actuarial, actuarially, adversarial, aerial, aerialist, aeriality, aerially, aeriated, aerie, aeriform, aero, aerobatic, aerobe, aerobiologist, aerobiology, aerodrome, aerodynamic, aerodynamically, aerodynamicist, aerodyne, aero-engine, Aeroflot, aerofoil, aerogram, aerogramme, aerolite, aerological, aeromagnetic, aeronaut, aeronautic, aeronautical, aeronautically, aeroplane, aerosol, aerospace, aerostat, aerostatic, aerostatically, aerotow, aerotrain, aery, affair, agrarian, Ahasuerus, airer, airily, airiness, airing, airy, Althusserean, Althusserian, Antares, antimalarial, antiquarian, antiquarianism, antisabbatarian, antitrinitarian, aorist, apiarian, Apollinaris, aquaria, Aquarian, aquarium, Aquarius, araucaria, area, areal, areaway, areometer, Ares, Arian, Arianism, ariel, Aries, Arius, armamentaria, armamentarium, armillaria, aroid, arum, Aryan, authoritarian, authoritarianism, Azeri, Balearic, ballbearing, Ballesteros, barbarian, baric, barite, barium, Bavaria, Bavarian, bearability, bearable, bearably, bearer, bearing, bearish, bearishness, Behrens, Behring, Belisarius, Berengaria, Bering, billionairess, bolero, Buenos Aires, Bulgaria, Bulgarian, burglarious, burglariously, bursarial, caballero, caesarean, caesarian, calcareous, calcareousness, calceolaria, caldaria, caldarium, caldera, Canaries, canary, Cancerian, carabiniere, carabinieri, carer, Carew, Carey, Caria, caries, caring, carious, Carpentaria, Carreras, Cary, cassowary, centenarian, cercaria, cercariae, certiorari, cesarean, cesarian, charily, chariness, Charing Cross, Charon, chary, cheeseparing, childbearing, ciguatera, cineraria, cinerarium, clairaudience, clairaudient, Clara, clary, columbaria, columbarium, commissarial, commissariat, communitarian, condottiere, condottieri, contrarily, contrariness, contrariwise, contrary, cordillera, costmary, covariance, cruzeiro, cupbearer, daguerreotype, daguerrotype, dairy, dairying, dairymaid, dairyman, dairymen, darer, Dari, Darien, daring, daringly, Darius, de-aerate, declarable, declarant, declaredly, declarer, Demerara, denarii, denarius, despairingly, de Valera, dinero, disciplinarian, doctrinairism, doctrinarian, dolphinarium, Dun Laoghaire, egalitarian, egalitarianism, √âire, equalitarian, equalitarianism, establishmentarian, establishmentarianism, Europarliamentarian, eyrie, eyry, faerie, Faeroe Islands, Faeroes, Faeroese, faery, fairing, fairish, fairy, fairyland, Fareham, faro, Faro, Faroe, Faroese, filaria, filariae, filarial, filariasis, Fleet Air Arm, forastero, forbearance, forbearingly, frigidaria, frigidarium, fruitarian, fusaria, fusarium, futilitarian, garish, garishly, garishness, gharial, Gibraltarian, glaireous, glairiness, glairy, glaringly, glaringness, glary, glossarial, godparent, grammarian, Gran Canaria, grandparent, gregarious, gregariously, gregariousness, Guarneri, Guarnerius, Guerrero, Guti√©rrez, habanera, hairily, hairiness, hairy, Halmahera, Hanoverian, hardwearing, harem, harum-scarum, heiress, herbaria, herbarium, Herero, Herrera, hilarious, hilariously, hilariousness, honoraria, honorarium, houseparent, humanitarian, humanitarianism, Hungarian, Indo-Aryan, inegalitarian, infralapsarian, insectaria, insectarium, invariability, invariable, invariableness, invariably, invariance, invariant, Inveraray, Karaite, lairage, lairy, lares, latitudinarian, latitudinarianism, Lehrer, leprosaria, leprosarium, libertarian, libertarianism, librarian, librarianship, Lilliburlero, llanero, Lothario, lumpenproletariat, lupus vulgaris, mace-bearer, Mainwaring, majoritarian, malaria, malarial, malarian, malarious, Marian, mariolatry, Mariology, Marist, Mary, Mary Celeste, Maryland, Mary Magdalene, Maryport, Maseru, mayoral, mayoralty, mayoress, miliaria, militaria, millenarian, millenarianism, millenarianist, millionairess, miserere, multifarious, multifariously, multifariousness, multivariate, nareal, nares, narial, nary, necessarian, necessarianism, necessitarian, necessitarianism, nectarean, nectareous, nefarious, nefariously, Nehru, nightmarish, nightmarishness, nonagenarian, notarial, notarially, Nyerere, obituarial, oceanaria, oceanarium, octogenarian, octonarian, octonarii, octonarius, Old Sarum, O’Meara, omnifarious, Ontario, ovarian, ovariectomy, ovariotomy, pairing, pallbearer, pampero, pareira, parent, parentage, parenthood, parentless, parer, Parian, paring, parliamentarian, Perak, pereira, Pharaoh, Pharaonic, Pharoah, pharos, Pierian, Pinero, planarian, planetaria, planetarium, platitudinarian, plein-airist, potrero, prairie, precarious, precariously, precariousness, predestinarian, prelapsarian, preparedness, preparer, primavera, proletarian, proletarianisation, proletarianise, proletarianism, proletarianization, proletarianize, proletariat, pulmonaria, quadragenarian, quinquagenarian, quodlibetarian, radiolaria, radiolarian, ranchero, rara avis, raree-show, rarefaction, rarefactive, rarefication, rarefy, rarify, raring, rarity, Rarotonga, Rarotongan, Rastafarian, Rastafarianism, repairable, repairer, retiarii, retiarius, riparian, Ripuarian, Rivera, Riviera, Romero, rosaria, rosarian, rosarium, Rotarian, sabbatarian, sabbatarianism, sacramentarian, sacraria, sacrarium, Sagittarian, Sagittarius, salariat, Salieri, Samaria, samarium, sanataria, sanatarium, sanitaria, sanitarian, sanitarium, Sara, Sarah, sarify, Saros, Sarum, Sauveterrian, scarer, scarification, scarificator, scarifier, scarify, scarily, scariness, scarious, scaroid, scarus, scary, scenario, seafarer, seafaring, secretarial, secretariat, sectarian, sectarianise, sectarianism, sectarianize, sederunt, seminarian, senarii, senarius, septenarii, septenarius, septuagenarian, sexagenarian, shareable, share-out, sharer, Sharon, sharon fruit, snarer, solaria, solarium, sombrero, sparer, sparerib, sparing, sparingly, sparingness, square-eyed, squarer, Squarial, squarish, starer, step-parent, Stradivarius, sublapsarian, sub-librarian, sudaria, sudarium, Sumerian, supralapsarian, swearer, swordbearer, talaria, talebearer, talebearing, tearable, tearaway, tearer, tear-off, temerarious, tepidaria, tepidarium, termitaria, termitarium, terraria, terrarium, therabouts, thereabout, thereafter, thereanent, thereat, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereinto, thereof, thereon, thereout, thereunder, thereunto, thereupon, time-sharing, Tipperary, Tocharian, Tokharian, topiarian, torch-bearer, torero, totalitarian, totalitarianism, tractarian, Tractarian, Tractarianism, transparence, transparency, transparent, transparently, transparentness, Trinitarian, Trinitarianism, Trocadero, turbellarian, ubiquitarian, ubiquitarianism, unbearable, unbearableness, unbearably, unbury, uncaring, uncaringly, uniformitarian, uniformitarianism, Unitarian, Unitarianism, unpreparedly, unpreparedness, unrepairable, unsectarian, unsparing, unsparingly, unsparingness, untearable, unvaried, unvarying, unvaryingly, unvaryingness, unwarily, unwariness, unwary, unwearable, urticaria, utilitarian, utilitarianism, vagarious, Valera, valerian, valetudinarian, valetudinarianism, vaquero, varia, variability, variable, variably, variance, variant, variate, variation, variational, variationally, variationist, varices, varicolored, varicoloured, varied, variedly, variegate, variegation, varifocal, variform, variolate, variole, variolite, variolitic, varioloid, variolous, variometer, variorum, various, variously, variousness, varix, varus, vary, varyingly, vegetarian, vegetarianism, veterinarian, vicarial, vicariate, vicarious, vicariously, vicariousness, vivaria, vivarium, vulgarian, Wareham, Wareing, warily, wariness, Waring, wary, wayfarer, wayfaring, wearability, wearable, wear-and-tear, wearer, wearing, wearingly, welfarism, welfarist, whereabouts, whereabouts, where’er, whereupon, worksharing
I hope this list is useful to other folks who have the merger but need to distinguish them for whatever reason. I’m starting to remember which class words belong to a little bit, though this is just learned knowledge rather than intuition. Also, if anyone has different intuitions than what this page shows, please let me know!